Sunday, January 10, 2010

Last Day at Chaffee Trail

When we moved Alisiya had to change schools. She left Chaffee Trail on the Westside and attends Twin Lakes Academy on the Southside now. She has seemed to transition almost effortlessly, although she does miss Brionna and Chaffee Trail very much. Here are some pics of her last day at Chaffee Trail that she wanted me to share. The only problem is that she said she didn't get a pic with Mrs. Puttick. Thank you Mrs. Puttick, Ms.Miller, Mrs. Crosby, Mrs. Woodlief, and everyone else that made her enjoy Chaffee Trail so much. We will be checking the Chaffee Trail blog.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Outside Fun

Here are
some pics of Haillee and Sebastian having fun outside on a hot November day. I've also included some of Alisiya's great home made Rice Krispy Treats. There is also a short video, no sound though.

Click on the video to play.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Here are some photos of the crew that were taken after our new 9:30AM meeting.

Our big girl-(I was amazed at how much she looked like my cousin Joy, with her hair done like this.)

Our well behaved children

Our other daughter, Alisiya the Model.



New Beginnings

I want to start this post thanking my parents. They tolerated Jerry, myself and our three kids for 16 months (but who's counting). We'd been living with my parents since we moved from Wellington and now we are finally in our own place. We made the big leap and purchased our first home for our family. We live on the Southside of Jacksonville, our target area that we didn't think we could afford.

Jerry is less than 10 minutes from work and it takes me about 15 minutes. Alisiya had to go to a new school, which I was nervous about. But after her first day, which was today, I asked her who she had lunch with and she said, "My friends." I figured I have nothing to worry about. (Thanks for reassuring me of this before hand Sandy.) Haillee told our Realtor, that she loved her new room. I think Seb is just as happy too. What the kids miss the most are their grandparents. It's been an adjustment for them.

I'll be posting pics of our new place. I didn't want a home that I had to update or do to much to. Then we finally found it and now. All we have been doing is updating or changing. Jerry and I (mostly Jerry) did the ceilings. Got rid of the popcorn and replaced w/ knock down. Now, we are in the midst of re-facing the kitchen cabinets. I can't wait until they are done. I thought this project was going to take a week maybe. Reality has set in I give it a good three weeks or so.

Sadly we were a Renovation Reality at this point. Jerry was so against me taking this photo of him.