Today we went to Jacksonville. Foolishly, I thought I was going with the kids by myself. Thank goodness I have relatives that know better and realize that I'm on what Uncle Reggie calls 'Babytime'. I left home for Sebastian about 9:30am. There was a wonderful breakfast waiting for me at my Aunt Weeze and Uncle Reggie's place. After resting a while we started our journey. No sooner than the fill up at the gas station, Miss Haillee decided that she wanted to eat (again). After she ate (again) we started out. Close to Daytona (our next stopping point) Haillee had a soiled diaper and couldn't take it any longer. So we stopped somewhere, I really don't have a clue where we were by then. Once we reached Daytona we took our time at the mall and grabbed a bite to eat. We didn't reach Jacksonville until 7:15 pm. I really am on Babytime aren't I?
These kids have no clue what their sister is doing while they are sleeping.
Haillee, with Build-A-Bear glasses on.
Sebastian has no idea he's the new Mr. Cool.
The twins finally made it to Pe-Pa.
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