Saturday, July 19, 2008


I know I haven't been posting much. I'm just so busy!
In the past month or so. I have quit my job, we have moved back to Jacksonville, and I'm adjusting to being a stay at home mommy (but this is only temporary). I'm sure once I have this staying at home thing down, I'll be called on to a job and be asked to report immeditely.
I've been busy planning a party for none other than the party girl herself, Alisiya. Of course her BFF Meagon is coming up from Wellington to attend. I'm planning decorations, food, and entertainment for 8-20 girls. The key is to keep them busy so no one will have time to boss the other ones around. Things stay busy and blurry and no one goes home with a wet face.
The twins are active as ever. I have got to get a little gate system here to restrain them now. I run after then one at a time, 1st is usually Haillee. Once I pull her away Sebastian is gone exploring. Then they both break free at once. I'm just glad they are only crawling right now, but they are really fast....honest.
I'll post more pictures once I find the USB cord that goes from my camera to the computer. Now, if I only knew what box that was in......

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